Khawla Muhtaseb
Head of qualify enhancement and accreditation department.
Work Experience
- Director, Quality enhancemnt and accreditation department. January 2020- present. Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine
- Lecturer September 2014- present. Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine
- Head of Mathematics Department, 2005-2007 and 2009-2011. . Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine
- Communication Skills Course Designer and Instructor: Fulbright
- Trainer, Trainer, Specialist, Consultant, Volunteer and Curriculum Designer in:
- Teaching and Learning,
- Enterprising Teaching Methds
- Entrepreneurship and Idea Generation
- Life skills
- Interdisciplinary Approach
- Communication Skills
- Online, Blended & Flipped Learning and Leaching
- Alternative and Innovative Assessment